Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Happy Almost Hump Day
Unfortunately, as I'm sure I've already mentioned, I am on very very tight budget right now. I just got done paying rent and it left my checking account feeling oh-so-empty.
And just to remind me how important a good job is, www.avianneandco.com has this Q7 watch from the Queen Collection that I would die for. This one had no price tag beside it but for a clue on the damage - the King Version starts at $9,500.
Speaking of good jobs, I'm seriously thinking it's time to go back to school. I've put this off long enough. Even if I don't take a full load and just take it one class at a time atleast I'd be heading in the right direction. Oh, let's not let Ray hear about this. I just recently got him to leave me alone about school already. Shhhh...
Can you believe? I've been so excited about the new blog and he hasn't even visited himself. I think I've shown him more than twice and he's glanced long enough to see the pictures. The little brat. I told him the other day I'm going to password protect this page, like Ching did to hers, and then he'll be begging to see it.
I'm so corrupt. Nevermind.
Monday, November 29, 2004
Good Monday Morning ...
I'll be off to work soon. Just have to figure out what I want to eat for breakfast. (Ham and eggs sound good...yum.) I'll be studying for my INS interview at work, surely I've procrastinated enough. Oooh, I'm getting nervous the closer it gets. But really how can I not be a shoe in? I've been Americanized since the age of 5. I knew English letters and numbers before I could learn it in my own language. Tagalog just makes it sooooo long. One = Isa Two = Dalawa. You see the syllables keep multiplying.
Anyway, I have to be off if I don't want to be racing down K96 to meet compliance. Ciao!
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Flickr Says Kumusta...

Brian and Ray
Originally uploaded by _crankymonkey.
So, my site is officially up. Woohoo! I was so worried last night because I couldn't upload properly. Ray didn't have WS FTP on his 'puter since he has barely put anything back since the last crash, so I couldn't see what was going on. Since he's working out today I raced to Dad, ('coz Ching is busy,) and he told me that I (stupid) can access my ftp directory from IE. Right, I knew that.
Blogger had been creating extra folders in there and that's why it wasn't showing. I used the incorrect ftp path. But it's fixed now and I'm up. Woohoo!
The only real bummer is I really wanted to get my Vegas pics up. I've got the free Flickr account and it told me I was over my limit already for the month. Also, Ching just informed me it will only hold 100 pics. Man, and I was so excited about being able to take phone cam pics and send straight to blog. I looked up the subscription price for Flickr Pro and it's $50 F-ing bucks for the year. Maybe after I finish my X'mas shopping this month, and paying off from X'mas shopping next month I can afford such luxuries.
Speaking of shopping, Mom has just invited me to go to the mall with her. Oh, willpower is so scarce these days.
Saturday, November 27, 2004
Birthday Present

Originally uploaded by _crankymonkey.
I know...I know...Now is a bit late for recovery. Give me a break! Ray and I relaxed all day and got up only to grab a movie and dinner. We finally got to watch Shrek 2.
Anywho, as for the birthday recap, well...
Mom & Dad, and Ching & Brian gave me my presents Thursday. I got a new purse, a pair of shoes, a Victoria Secret shirt, a fairly bitter feminist book, and an alcohol tester keychain. My best present was the morning of my birthday when Ray gave me my tennis bracelet. It is PRETTY! I LOVE IT!
So, I went to work and showed off my present. The day after Thanksgiving was still not a slow day for T-Mo, but it was a great day still. I felt like I was on a high the entire day. My team decorated my desk complete with confetti.
After work Ray and I met Ching, Brian and Ashley at PF Chang's for dinner. Then we went to Flashbacks and spent the rest of the night there. It was a blast! Carissa and James stopped by. I think Carissa actually got into a dance off. I didn't get to drink 24 drinks like I intended. (My bright idea for the night.) I think I got to 8 though. Pitiful, huh?
This morning, (or I guess yesterday morning,) woke up with no hangovers. Ray took care of me really well. Like I said we just lounged all day. I got some laundry and dishes done, and he finally took the trash out. While he napped, I got most of the site up.
I was meaning to go to the mall and get my bracelet sized, but I guess I'll do that tomorrow. I also need to start studying for my INS interview. Oh, man, getting sleepy just thinking about it.
My Bunny and I

Originally uploaded by _crankymonkey.
From last night my 24th birthday shindig. More on that soon. For now, I haven't recovered enough to start reminiscing.
I never found the zip, but Ching did manage to educate me on what I needed to do. (I think she told me more than 10 times how stupid I was within the 10 minutes it took for her to get everything set up.) Thanks, Ching!
And I'm off... Making it as foolproof and effortless as possible I am using blogger. Woohoo! Wonder how this will go.