
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Happy Almost Hump Day

Woke up to snow...snow? Geez...I should've not passed up on that coat I found this weekend. It was so cute too.

Unfortunately, as I'm sure I've already mentioned, I am on very very tight budget right now. I just got done paying rent and it left my checking account feeling oh-so-empty.

And just to remind me how important a good job is, has this Q7 watch from the Queen Collection that I would die for. This one had no price tag beside it but for a clue on the damage - the King Version starts at $9,500.

Speaking of good jobs, I'm seriously thinking it's time to go back to school. I've put this off long enough. Even if I don't take a full load and just take it one class at a time atleast I'd be heading in the right direction. Oh, let's not let Ray hear about this. I just recently got him to leave me alone about school already. Shhhh...

Can you believe? I've been so excited about the new blog and he hasn't even visited himself. I think I've shown him more than twice and he's glanced long enough to see the pictures. The little brat. I told him the other day I'm going to password protect this page, like Ching did to hers, and then he'll be begging to see it.

I'm so corrupt. Nevermind.

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