
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

All good and too late...

I'm pretty bumbed about my current status. You see my folks are packing up for a visit to the homeland, Philippines to be gone for about 3 weeks. I was gonna go but all the circumstances which I cannot mention I decided not to, especially since the ticket fair would cost too much. Yeah until Mom decided to tell me today that my oh-so-generous-uncle, because he missed me so much has already offered to pay it for me. Ughhhhh!

So I'm a little suicidal due to another missed chance to go back home. Can we get a list going of all the reasons why I should be happy to stay in the U.S. of A for the meantime.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Wanted: Feedback

So I realize I haven't been to a "date" date in well almost a decade. (Maybe not quite but long enough to not even remember.) I usually just meet people at bars or clubs making it more low key and casual and easier to run out of. Now and then though, after a couple hits and misses a girl would just like to be wined and dined, y'know?

So I want to plan a "date" date, accompanied by the next poor sap that begs for it. This town is so small though, there's really not much left interesting and new to do. So, since the commenting have been more frequent now than ever, I'd like everyone to leave me their itenerary of a good first date. Please be creative but also keep it clean. The site is not password protected yet!

Hey, how about an out of town date? A date for the next Jason Mraz concert. Now the ideas are rolling...

Saturday, August 20, 2005

And so it begins...

A beautiful romance with sleep. Went out for a drama free night, most serene I sat (though a bit tipsy) basked in the night life and even found my poetry again. I drove home and crashed in bed. Can you believe I slept through the possible drama?Usually even the scent of it tempts me out of the deepest slumber and reels me back in. But it didn't, could this be the new beginning I have been longing for?

Either way I got up for work. The hussle and bussle, but I don't mind. I feel some of the weight lifting already. Maybe I'll be happy again sooner than I expected.

Thank you, I'm sure you had something to do with it, whoever you are.

Thursday, August 18, 2005


I've had several people now donate on my site, but not from my family who knows how broke I really am, wtf?

Anyway, I should probably start writing them or something... Ching is the webcam girl she would probably have an idea on how I can implement this. But I'm not whoring myself out, so don't get funny ideas. No stupid, "buy me something and I'll send you a picture with it on" deals. That means no hello kitty undies, STEVE!

So, Dear Mr/Ms Sponsor:

Today was very typical for me. I did laundry, checked my blogged incessantly, and stalked a couple onlines peeps. I had planned on drinking out but changed my mind opting for a quiet night at home instead. Maybe tomorrow I will go to work early and earn some overtime.

Thank you for your generous donation. I will be saving them up to pay for my Jason Mraz concert tickets, and a cozy stay in Tulsa, OK. (Where I also plan to gamble and earn dividends from your well invested dollars.)

I drew some pictures with crayons and markers but they are at my desk at work. I will scan them and post them soon so you can see how much I've progressed. I am eating, though meagerly, well balanced meals. Sometimes from Taco Bell and sometimes from Wendy's and when I choose to splurge from Japan Express.

BTW, if you are at this time feeling a little conned trust me when I say that you did not waste your good-natured actions on me. I will send pouty, hungry looking pictures to prove it.

Your happilly adopted blog geek,

Why bother you bother me?

I actually took a "weekend" weekend. I did not work overtime hours and frustrate myself with how STUPID the mass population can force themselves to be.

"You're phone hasn't worked since you went swimming with it? Well, I understand how frustrating that can be especially since you say you use this phone for business. Let's see if I can wave a magic wand and instantly make your phone come back to life so you don't have to place a handset exchange order because, you're right, paying $70 for an out of warranty fee is ridiculous considering that we purposely forgot to print on your user manual that your phone is not waterproof."

I got up late Wednesday morning, went to my Dr's appointment. Grabbed some McDo's, ate while watching reruns of Laguna Beach and went back to bed. Ray called and asked me if I'd meet him at the Vagabond after his work. Got up at around 4pm showered was out of the apartment by around 4:27pm. (It doesn't take me long to get ready, I multitask even in the shower. Brush my teeth and shampoo and then condition my hair while I soap down. Plus my hair is almost always air dryed.) Got $30 worth of gas for $2.57 a gallon. Yeah, I'm still waiting for this war thing to better our economy. Go Bush! No sarcasm there at all, my views don't matter anway, I'm only a second rate citizen. Picked Ray up from outside his building and got buzzed on a bottle of wine we had shared, and a banana nut muffin. Yummy. He decided to get dinner downtown to sober up before we drove home so we headed right after to Old Chicago for a pizza we couldn't finish of which I am eating the left overs of right now. Had our usual disagreements yadda yadda yadda. Went to bed.

Thursday, another great weekend day for me of yet I have planned. I will be dropping off laundry at Mom's pretending I was there to do laundry, leave to go shopping and come back with my laundry dried and folded. I don't know who the culprit is, I think it's my Grandma visiting from the Philippines, I know Dad doesn't go near the washer and dryer and Mom has cursed me and my laundry years ago. Well, whoever it is thank you from the bottom of my undomesticated heart. Yeah, I plan on going to the mall and spending unnecessarily to reward myself for working so hard these past few days to acquire money already spent on bills, and the money I'm about to spend that will throw me back in the red. Woohoo! I think Ray has voiced the want to go swimming as well of which I have no qualms about, though I hope I can venture tonight to my favorite 2-4-1 spot and drink in peace and kick ass on megatouch.

Yeah, simple schedule from a simple girl who seeks nothing more than shopping money, alcohol, medication to cope with work and (sorry to say) Ray, and of course my laundry done, dried and folded.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Better than a $5 palm reader:

So, I stop taking my meds and lo and behold I start remembering my dreams in the morning, I doubt I stopped dreaming while I was taking them. Recently my dreams are as vivid as they were before, I remember them being so, because I like analyzing my dreams. I was always the go-to in my family for interpreting dreams. So here we go:

Night 1: I'm at a party with Jennifer Aniston and she is sitting on the couch with a glass in one hand and her feet up on the table. I guess we were pretty close because of the way we talked to each other, but while she was busy mingling with the rest of the folks sitting around her I saw the head of a nail on her foot. Without asking I start to pull on it and realize she has an entire nail up in her foot, she notices me at this point and tells me to push it back in. She says it hurt more taking out than keeping in. So I stop, think about it, and think on that one time when I was a child that I stepped on a nail. One of my neighbor's maid yanked it out before I noticed and I didn't feel it. So that's what I do. I yank it out, and she just keeps on chatting. Happy with a job well done I was on my way to mingle when I realize her other foot had two or three nails hanging out and these were not straight but mangled. End of dream.

It's been an annoying habit of mine to offer help where even if needed it was not asked. Maybe it's time for me to just mind my own business. One of two things always happen if not both. One, the good deed goes unnoticed and I'm left bitter, or two, I get stuck helping because the good deed creates a domino effect of more things gone wrong. Hmmm...

Night 2: I am living in a homeless shelter with Logan. Overnight Hillary Clinton decides to turn our shelter into a store and automatically employs everyone currently house there. So we wake up and we are immediately ordered to start stocking shelves. I find myself browsing more than stocking. Cut to the coup de ta that Dad started. He got us all out of the shelter and allowed us to stay in his house. I guess Mrs. Clinton felt slighted a bit because men with guns came. Lo and behold, Daddy's house was bullet proof.

With all the overtime I've been working everyone knows that I'm buckling down financially. Growing up I guess. But it's not enough when my own dream makes me a homeless shopaholic, so less shopping or more like bar hopping and more work, I guess. Besides, the second dream reminds me that no matter what bind I've gotten myself into Daddy's house, albeit not bullet proof, has always been there to welcome me back.

Night 3: I watch two guys screw each other's girlfriends. Not in an orgy type way but like a competition almost. There's a long drawn out story to this dream that I'll summarize. I know all of them in real life. Bam! What!

As an analyzation my friends have offered the "you are a voyeur speech." Quite the contrary, (well I am but that's not what the dream is about.) Both of the guys have heavily flirted with me soon as they found out that Ray and I are taking an official break. One even went as far as not telling me that he had gotten back together with his ex-girlfriend. Now mind you, they know each other, and each other's business. It's funny when you're drunk but from the dream point of view, I'm watching them screw each other over. Do I want to be part of that? No, thank you.

Herein concludes our list of dreams. There was plenty mind you, but some are best left unshared. BTW, Ray bought me the new Jason Mraz album, did you know? It's rekindled my affair with the main man Mraz and I'm thinking of hitchhiking to either St. Louis or Kansas City, MO near end of September to rendezvous with him. Running back to impossible possibilities that never seem to let me down. Reality is I'm too strong to be tied down, and to fragile to get involved.

Close curtain.