
Sunday, November 28, 2004

Flickr Says Kumusta...

Brian and Ray
Originally uploaded by _crankymonkey.

So, my site is officially up. Woohoo! I was so worried last night because I couldn't upload properly. Ray didn't have WS FTP on his 'puter since he has barely put anything back since the last crash, so I couldn't see what was going on. Since he's working out today I raced to Dad, ('coz Ching is busy,) and he told me that I (stupid) can access my ftp directory from IE. Right, I knew that.

Blogger had been creating extra folders in there and that's why it wasn't showing. I used the incorrect ftp path. But it's fixed now and I'm up. Woohoo!

The only real bummer is I really wanted to get my Vegas pics up. I've got the free Flickr account and it told me I was over my limit already for the month. Also, Ching just informed me it will only hold 100 pics. Man, and I was so excited about being able to take phone cam pics and send straight to blog. I looked up the subscription price for Flickr Pro and it's $50 F-ing bucks for the year. Maybe after I finish my X'mas shopping this month, and paying off from X'mas shopping next month I can afford such luxuries.

Speaking of shopping, Mom has just invited me to go to the mall with her. Oh, willpower is so scarce these days.

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