Saturday, November 27, 2004
Birthday Present

Originally uploaded by _crankymonkey.
I know...I know...Now is a bit late for recovery. Give me a break! Ray and I relaxed all day and got up only to grab a movie and dinner. We finally got to watch Shrek 2.
Anywho, as for the birthday recap, well...
Mom & Dad, and Ching & Brian gave me my presents Thursday. I got a new purse, a pair of shoes, a Victoria Secret shirt, a fairly bitter feminist book, and an alcohol tester keychain. My best present was the morning of my birthday when Ray gave me my tennis bracelet. It is PRETTY! I LOVE IT!
So, I went to work and showed off my present. The day after Thanksgiving was still not a slow day for T-Mo, but it was a great day still. I felt like I was on a high the entire day. My team decorated my desk complete with confetti.
After work Ray and I met Ching, Brian and Ashley at PF Chang's for dinner. Then we went to Flashbacks and spent the rest of the night there. It was a blast! Carissa and James stopped by. I think Carissa actually got into a dance off. I didn't get to drink 24 drinks like I intended. (My bright idea for the night.) I think I got to 8 though. Pitiful, huh?
This morning, (or I guess yesterday morning,) woke up with no hangovers. Ray took care of me really well. Like I said we just lounged all day. I got some laundry and dishes done, and he finally took the trash out. While he napped, I got most of the site up.
I was meaning to go to the mall and get my bracelet sized, but I guess I'll do that tomorrow. I also need to start studying for my INS interview. Oh, man, getting sleepy just thinking about it.