Sunday, June 11, 2006
What A Week
Went over to Adam's Wednesday night, met Rustin his friend from back home. Rustin gets gayed on all the the time because Rustin's hair is soft. Have you felt his hair, man. It's so soft. Touch his hair. Hahahahhaaha!
Thursday Adam, Rustin, Craig and I went to Blu. It was pretty laid back in the patio until whoever threw a beer bottle at another whoever. Of course we turned around to see what the ruckus was about but only a glimpse, then we were back to quoting favorite lines from stand-ups.
Friday was just Adam and I. We didn't really plan on going out but I got restless at home. I called him and warned him that I was kidnapping him, (so he could shower and shave and look presentable = ) Took him to Finn's and hung out with Jason, Austin and their friends. We kinda had to leave because of someone being there. Actually took me aback how take charge Adam was when that happened. We were in the middle of the game, he looked at me and asked if I wanted to go, I said yes, and he said "Let's go" and proceeded to get the tab. My hero. We were going to go to the Pumphouse but the line was friggin' long so we went to Liquid instead. I got Lisa and Chris to let us in without a cover so that was nice. We hung out at the bar area with Debbie and Adina until Heather got there and then we hung out at the patio and had awesome conversation. Adam listens well and I found out that night it's because he got his Bachelor's in Psychology. WTF?!!! Yeah he said he was listening because he was trying to analyze me. Wow, I can get a free analyzation just by going out drinking. Awesome! Heather was going through her own rough times and Adam was very comforting in just letting her vent. We went to Denny's after the bar closed and filled our tummies. Well, Heather and I did, Adam just had coffee.
The next day I was supposed to help with the Garage Sale Mom was having. I woke up at 7:30am instead of the 5am I had set my alarm to and texted Brian to tell him I had just woken up. Then I went back to sleep. At 9:30am I finally got up to head home and everyone was glaring at me. Boy! These Alonso's and their glares, I tell you what! It was a pretty eventful day, I finally sold my old furniture for $400 and some old stuff. Dawn and her kids Haley and Amber came over and Dad had barbecue. Just a non typical normal day. (Speaking of barbecue I'm getting hungry.) It was hot outside so we all took turns lounging inside. By the time the whole thing was done with I took a nap. Of course by night time went out again.

I've been out basically every night since Wednesday and I was really feeling it yesterday. But today is a different story. Even though I still stayed out last night 'til bar closing time I woke up this morning in tip top shape. Got straight on the computer and took my first test for on of my online classes. Didn't do too well got a B - note to self study more. Going to get a little blog in and write scribbles for my research assignment on my other class. Smoke. Come back in and post my research and get Lesson 2 ready for next week. Fun stuff.
This week at work is supposed to be hectic but I think I'll be just fine. There's really not that much than can go wrong anymore. Yeah, kinda feel different this whole turn of events. Eli was AIMing me last night and asked me how things had been. I said "Awesome" and "Normal" and he said to make up my mind. I said "Awesomely Normal." I hope it stays that way.
Thursday Adam, Rustin, Craig and I went to Blu. It was pretty laid back in the patio until whoever threw a beer bottle at another whoever. Of course we turned around to see what the ruckus was about but only a glimpse, then we were back to quoting favorite lines from stand-ups.
Friday was just Adam and I. We didn't really plan on going out but I got restless at home. I called him and warned him that I was kidnapping him, (so he could shower and shave and look presentable = ) Took him to Finn's and hung out with Jason, Austin and their friends. We kinda had to leave because of someone being there. Actually took me aback how take charge Adam was when that happened. We were in the middle of the game, he looked at me and asked if I wanted to go, I said yes, and he said "Let's go" and proceeded to get the tab. My hero. We were going to go to the Pumphouse but the line was friggin' long so we went to Liquid instead. I got Lisa and Chris to let us in without a cover so that was nice. We hung out at the bar area with Debbie and Adina until Heather got there and then we hung out at the patio and had awesome conversation. Adam listens well and I found out that night it's because he got his Bachelor's in Psychology. WTF?!!! Yeah he said he was listening because he was trying to analyze me. Wow, I can get a free analyzation just by going out drinking. Awesome! Heather was going through her own rough times and Adam was very comforting in just letting her vent. We went to Denny's after the bar closed and filled our tummies. Well, Heather and I did, Adam just had coffee.
The next day I was supposed to help with the Garage Sale Mom was having. I woke up at 7:30am instead of the 5am I had set my alarm to and texted Brian to tell him I had just woken up. Then I went back to sleep. At 9:30am I finally got up to head home and everyone was glaring at me. Boy! These Alonso's and their glares, I tell you what! It was a pretty eventful day, I finally sold my old furniture for $400 and some old stuff. Dawn and her kids Haley and Amber came over and Dad had barbecue. Just a non typical normal day. (Speaking of barbecue I'm getting hungry.) It was hot outside so we all took turns lounging inside. By the time the whole thing was done with I took a nap. Of course by night time went out again.

I've been out basically every night since Wednesday and I was really feeling it yesterday. But today is a different story. Even though I still stayed out last night 'til bar closing time I woke up this morning in tip top shape. Got straight on the computer and took my first test for on of my online classes. Didn't do too well got a B - note to self study more. Going to get a little blog in and write scribbles for my research assignment on my other class. Smoke. Come back in and post my research and get Lesson 2 ready for next week. Fun stuff.
This week at work is supposed to be hectic but I think I'll be just fine. There's really not that much than can go wrong anymore. Yeah, kinda feel different this whole turn of events. Eli was AIMing me last night and asked me how things had been. I said "Awesome" and "Normal" and he said to make up my mind. I said "Awesomely Normal." I hope it stays that way.
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You need to get that boy some new myspace pics - he has 3 essentiak=lly the same self-portraits, in the same shirt in front of the same door.
Other than that, haven't gotten enough from his profile to form an opinion.
Wait - he doesn't read this, does he?
Other than that, haven't gotten enough from his profile to form an opinion.
Wait - he doesn't read this, does he?
Hahahahhaahaha! This is so hilarious I actually read this to him, but no he doesn't check out the website yet. He knows about it but he doesn't have permission to see.
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