Monday, May 29, 2006
Nothing New
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
That's a James Blunt song, I saw him perform this morning for Good Morning America, I think. It's an awesome song, so I thought I'd share.
Ching fixed the layout. This is not what I had intended but I do believe it's much prettier. Leave it to Ching to impose her artistic opinion on you when you've no other choice because you can't read CSS. Hahahahahaha! To top it off she started trying to teach me. Nooooooo! Geez! Is she starting to sound like Dad or what? I kept hearing, "It's time you learn." What a nightmare. The only out I had was that I had brought pecan tarts home that morning and she would stop talking everytime she shoved one in her mouth. Sweet deal though, huh? Pecan tarts bought me a new layout.
Oh, and I did finally get to see X3: The Last Stand. It was kickin' like the first two but a was mildly disappointed on several aspects. First the fact that this is possibly the last one, (Please God, no!) the fact the Jean Grey had to die, Rogue turned human, which in the cartoon she actually started keeping other mutants' powers permanently when she kills them so her character evolves more, and that the Angel didn't have more of a role. But I cried during the movie just like I did last time. Good job!
BTW, when did Ben Foster turn into a freakin' stud. This is unsettling. Wasn't he, like, the geeky neighbor from that old Disney series Flash Forward? Let's see...

Same kid, right? Disturbing. Is it time to start searching out all the dweebs I passed up in middle school? Surely not, I saw one of them recently and there wasn't any transformation of this caliber. And I seriously love Angel's jeans, he is a fashionable mutant. To be honest I could have picked a more close-up shot for the older Ben Foster, but it would've totally not shown his current buffness and those rocking jeans. I'm sorry I felt the world had to see.
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Oh, yeah. Rogue shouldn't have turned human. That was dumb. And for a boy no less. Anyway, it worked with the story line (of the movie) so I'm not going to dock them movie ratings points for it.
I was upset that Jean and the Professor and Scott had to die. I mean, they're not even in the future yet. In the cartoons abd comic books they live to fight the battle for years!
But I understand they had to condense the story into two hours. It was two very good entertaining hours. So I can't complain too much. I was entertained.
I was upset that Jean and the Professor and Scott had to die. I mean, they're not even in the future yet. In the cartoons abd comic books they live to fight the battle for years!
But I understand they had to condense the story into two hours. It was two very good entertaining hours. So I can't complain too much. I was entertained.
Dont forget that I made you clean your room. It wasnt just the pecan tarts that got you out of learning it was the decision you had to make. Clean the Room, or listen to Ching try to teach you how to code CSS. Ultimatly it was the Room Cleaning that gave way because you have no attention span to learn! Lol!. I like the new Layout.
Yeah, actually I remember in the cartoon it was Rogue who had multiple personalities due to her completely owning everything the mutant she killed had.
And Serenity rocked as well, though it didn't have enough ass kicking scenes.
And Serenity rocked as well, though it didn't have enough ass kicking scenes.
Did you sit through the credits to see the few second snippet at the end? There will be another XMen! I won't say anymore just in case you decide to sit through it some time.
Well, actually Rogue absorbs the mutant powers of other mutants she touches.
Jean does have a split personality. That's been written about a lot and that goes way back. The Phoenix has always existed.
Becky, I can't believe I missed the snippet at the end! I am so mad!! I told Brian to stay. I wanted to sit through the credits but he herded me out. He's like, "What? It's over."
Well, I didn't know. I just wanted to sit through it just in case. I figured he knew what he was doing so I didn't argue and we left. I am so mad now!
Brian actually insisted that there isn't going to be another XMEN. He said this is the last one and that is why they killed Jean and Scott and the Professor. Now, I'm wondering if he really knows what he is talking about!
I do agree that the chess scene with Magneto at the end left it kind of open. But, if they make another one, they'll have to figure out a way to revive Professor X. I don't think there can be XMEN without him! =P
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Jean does have a split personality. That's been written about a lot and that goes way back. The Phoenix has always existed.
Becky, I can't believe I missed the snippet at the end! I am so mad!! I told Brian to stay. I wanted to sit through the credits but he herded me out. He's like, "What? It's over."
Well, I didn't know. I just wanted to sit through it just in case. I figured he knew what he was doing so I didn't argue and we left. I am so mad now!
Brian actually insisted that there isn't going to be another XMEN. He said this is the last one and that is why they killed Jean and Scott and the Professor. Now, I'm wondering if he really knows what he is talking about!
I do agree that the chess scene with Magneto at the end left it kind of open. But, if they make another one, they'll have to figure out a way to revive Professor X. I don't think there can be XMEN without him! =P
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