Sunday, May 14, 2006
Ching's Graduation Weekend Party
After a long month of running around preparing for it, it finally came and it was a blast. Starting from the actual ceremony, a tiny get together at Old Chicago and the much anticipated house party the whole weekend rocked. I'm sure the picture taking stopped aroun 8pm when most of the guests arrived and order faded away. I had fun and by the time I was double fisting a plastic cup of sangria and a plastic cup of champagne I had forgotten all about...well everything. Woohoo! Some of Ching's friends brought little pre-teens that kept singing YMCA over and over and over again through Karaoke that they actually sucked the rest of us in eventually. And at one point I was in the patio thinking I had broken Dad's screen door debating on whether I should tell or not, Ray talking about "ninja-rigging" and just to finally find out it had been broken all the while and Dad already knew about it. Whew! To be hones I'm still recovering so here are the pictures fromt he ceremony and of the house before anyone got there...