
Saturday, April 29, 2006

My Father The Hero

An excerpt from his blog -


Immigrants' Boycott on May-1 ?

Filed under: General - Rico Alonso @ 7:24 PM

Millions of undocumented (illegal) immigrants (workers and students) and their supporters are planning for a boycott on May-1? So what really are these people trying to show? That without them the US cities will be 'crippled'? Or is this just another way of showing to the US citizens that these people are nothing but trouble makers and not really worth the time to even consider their chance of getting legalized alliens/immigrants? These people should understand that by doing so, they are not making their voice heared by the lawmakers. Instead, they are irritating the law abiding citizens and immigrants of this country. I am an immigrant myself but I don't agree with the idea that you will get what you ask for by being a nuisance.

Man...being an undocumented immigrants is already bad and yet they are already demanding about their rights... How much more if the same people will become legalized and possibly become just can imagine how much more demanding they will be!

People, don't allow these politician 'wannabes' (to) use you.

And, let's just be clear about this ... only the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS should be concerned about this Immigration reforms that the lawmakers are trying to tackle. Some people are trying to 'muddy' the subject and try to make discussions about Immigrants without the distinction between ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and Immigrants who are LEGALLY here... maybe trying to get the sympathy of the general public.

And whoever is that pathetic musician who came up with a Spanish version of the 'Star-Spangled Banner' ... the National Anthem of the U.S. of A.? Doesn't he know that the National Language here is English? Hey people, if you want to stay here, live here and want to be legal resident of the U.S. of A., LEARN ENGLISH ! AND PLEASE SING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM IN ENGLISH ! If you people can't get your papers in order, at least learn how to speak English so you can be understood! How simple is that?!

As you may already know, my family cannot be censored, some have tried none have succeeded.

And yes I share his sentiments in this issue. My family worked hard for years trying to get our papers in order so we could move to this country. I want everyone to know that my family and I have always agreed being able to move to States was a great privilege. And since our move we have been productive members of this society. We don't need special accomodations of any kind, we survive just like everyone else. We work for what we need.

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