Saturday, April 29, 2006
The beginning of relaxation...
Ray and I watched Silent Hill last night, finally. What an awesome movie! Of course I have my eyes closed for parts of it, but it was seriously suspense filled. You must see it for yourself.
Today I'll be turning in my keys to my apartment saying goodbye to convenience and being 5 minutes away from work. Most of my things are at Mom's in Derby and I'll be spending most nights at Ray's in Auburn Hills. What a commute!
Needless to say most of my computer time would most likely occur while I'm at work Monday to Friday 7am to 4pm the only constant in my schedule right now, but as it is my project leads are pushing to get everything done ASAP therefore there won't be leisure time left at work either for awhile. The most likely scenario will be that Ray will cave and let me get a laptop. Oh, pretty please!
And with a new laptop I can do internet research on interesting things for him like, for example, the real Silent Hill...
An excerpt from -
The ruins of Centralia Pennsylvania no longer exists on some maps. The story began sometime in 1962 along the outskirts of town when trash was burned in the pit of an abandoned strip mine, which connected to a coal vein running near the surface. The burning trash caught the exposed vein of coal on fire. The fire was reported and thought to be extinguished but it apparently wasn't. The coal then began to burn underground. That was in 1962. For the next two decades, workers battled the fire, flushing the mines with water, excavating the burning material, backfilling, drilling again and again in an attempt to put the fire out or at least contain it. All efforts failed to do either. By the early 1980s the fire had affected about nearly 200 acres. An engineering study concluded in 1983 that the fire could burn for another century or even more and "could conceivably spread over an area of approximately 3,700 acres."
Of course, starting mass fire by burning trash instead of burning witches is a tamer storyline, but things are always exaggerated in Hollywood or it could be a government cover-up. Oooh, spooky!