
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Ray - Homeowner...

Blog deleted.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

My Father The Hero

An excerpt from his blog -


Immigrants' Boycott on May-1 ?

Filed under: General - Rico Alonso @ 7:24 PM

Millions of undocumented (illegal) immigrants (workers and students) and their supporters are planning for a boycott on May-1? So what really are these people trying to show? That without them the US cities will be 'crippled'? Or is this just another way of showing to the US citizens that these people are nothing but trouble makers and not really worth the time to even consider their chance of getting legalized alliens/immigrants? These people should understand that by doing so, they are not making their voice heared by the lawmakers. Instead, they are irritating the law abiding citizens and immigrants of this country. I am an immigrant myself but I don't agree with the idea that you will get what you ask for by being a nuisance.

Man...being an undocumented immigrants is already bad and yet they are already demanding about their rights... How much more if the same people will become legalized and possibly become just can imagine how much more demanding they will be!

People, don't allow these politician 'wannabes' (to) use you.

And, let's just be clear about this ... only the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS should be concerned about this Immigration reforms that the lawmakers are trying to tackle. Some people are trying to 'muddy' the subject and try to make discussions about Immigrants without the distinction between ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and Immigrants who are LEGALLY here... maybe trying to get the sympathy of the general public.

And whoever is that pathetic musician who came up with a Spanish version of the 'Star-Spangled Banner' ... the National Anthem of the U.S. of A.? Doesn't he know that the National Language here is English? Hey people, if you want to stay here, live here and want to be legal resident of the U.S. of A., LEARN ENGLISH ! AND PLEASE SING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM IN ENGLISH ! If you people can't get your papers in order, at least learn how to speak English so you can be understood! How simple is that?!

As you may already know, my family cannot be censored, some have tried none have succeeded.

And yes I share his sentiments in this issue. My family worked hard for years trying to get our papers in order so we could move to this country. I want everyone to know that my family and I have always agreed being able to move to States was a great privilege. And since our move we have been productive members of this society. We don't need special accomodations of any kind, we survive just like everyone else. We work for what we need.

The beginning of relaxation...

Ray and I watched Silent Hill last night, finally. What an awesome movie! Of course I have my eyes closed for parts of it, but it was seriously suspense filled. You must see it for yourself.

Today I'll be turning in my keys to my apartment saying goodbye to convenience and being 5 minutes away from work. Most of my things are at Mom's in Derby and I'll be spending most nights at Ray's in Auburn Hills. What a commute!

Needless to say most of my computer time would most likely occur while I'm at work Monday to Friday 7am to 4pm the only constant in my schedule right now, but as it is my project leads are pushing to get everything done ASAP therefore there won't be leisure time left at work either for awhile. The most likely scenario will be that Ray will cave and let me get a laptop. Oh, pretty please!

And with a new laptop I can do internet research on interesting things for him like, for example, the real Silent Hill...

An excerpt from -

The ruins of Centralia Pennsylvania no longer exists on some maps. The story began sometime in 1962 along the outskirts of town when trash was burned in the pit of an abandoned strip mine, which connected to a coal vein running near the surface. The burning trash caught the exposed vein of coal on fire. The fire was reported and thought to be extinguished but it apparently wasn't. The coal then began to burn underground. That was in 1962. For the next two decades, workers battled the fire, flushing the mines with water, excavating the burning material, backfilling, drilling again and again in an attempt to put the fire out or at least contain it. All efforts failed to do either. By the early 1980s the fire had affected about nearly 200 acres. An engineering study concluded in 1983 that the fire could burn for another century or even more and "could conceivably spread over an area of approximately 3,700 acres."

Of course, starting mass fire by burning trash instead of burning witches is a tamer storyline, but things are always exaggerated in Hollywood or it could be a government cover-up. Oooh, spooky!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

I am lazy procrastinator-rator.

So, I've known about the pending move for what seems like eons, but I do nothing. I schedule for movers and pack what I need them to move the night of, and some while they're already moving. I leave a bottle of wine at the apartment to motivate me to come back and clean and pick up the rest of the mess I'd left. After work yesterday jonesing for a glass of reisling, I stood in the middle of my almost empty apartment, thinking there's no way. Trying to calculate how much it would cost to just tell the leasing people, "You clean it." I throw out 5 bags of trash and shrug my shoulders as if to say it's the best I can do. Grab my wine, and the rest of the liquors (cuervo, malibu and a lonely bottle of corona) and take it to Ray's new house and proceed to vacuum for him. I'm only lazy on my behalf.

This morning I woke up at 6am and decided "I didn't feel good." Called the lead for my current project at work to inform her I will not be in, and parked in front of the 'puter. Get up Jen, clean the apartment and take advantage of the pool while you can. Today's weather forecast said high of 74.

I am lazy procrastinator-rator! Feel my wrath - here in a minute, when I get around to it.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Took half the day off from work yesterday because I had scheduled the movers for between 1pm - 3pm. My lunch is normally at 11am so I decided as an added treat I would meet Ray for lunch. It was nice and semi relaxing except for the retarded waitresses in the corner celebrating their crossword puzzle louder than I think acceptable.

Also the movers decided to call me right at 11am to tell me that they would like to arrive earlier. That didn't quite work out, atleast not for me. Note: If you are a business conduct yourselves accordingly. It is your job to anticipate possible changes and to inform your clients ahead of time. By that I mean atleast 24 hour notice not 2 hours. Needless to say I called them back and told them, I just sat down for lunch, the scheduled time is between 1pm and 3pm, if you need to come early meet me at 1pm. I mean it was a 2 hour block of time, 1 pm is definitely earlier than 3pm, am I wrong? Of course that was all the gripes I would have with this company. The movers were courteous and they worked fairly fast. I was done with my move by 2:30pm and even had enough time to get my hair did. I will leave the details out until I get a decent picture to post.

Of course, I am blogging at work. Got in at 6:30am and saw 13 missed calls and my voicemail icon blinking. Christ! This can't be good. And I was even anticipating faxes on my desk but since there were none I will have to hunt them down at 8am when everyone else gets in. I can't regret my half day off, I do regret not getting as much done when it comes to preparing my apartment for the end of the lease walk through, especially if I'm now suffering the consequences at work. Okay, this is just a random panic attack, it can't take all day to catch up for half a day's work, right?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Last Weekend...

Friday Ray officially owned his own house. We celebrated by eating at Abuelo's and "taking at nap" by 7:30pm only to wake up around midnight and realize there's no time to go out, and go back to bed. Saturday woke up real early ate breakfast at The Good Egg, watched Logan's soccer game, and ran around trying to get stuff for Ray's house. Sometime during the day we took a nap. I don't remember what was for dinner, the weekend was real long and full of eating out. Sunday woke up early again and went to Legends ate brunch with Ching and Brian. We were so full and I was a little tipsy from the mimosa's we took a nap immediately after brunch. At this rate I should be gaining atleast another 6 pounds before the end of the month. Dinner was pork chops and homestyle potatoes (my favorites) at Ray's parent's house. Ching actually blogged a picture she took of me titled it "Proof the Jen eats." Hells ya I eat. I'm a hungry baby!

Proof That Jen Eats
Originally uploaded by Ching.

Actually I'm hungry right now, but I just got to my desk at work, I should probably wait 45 minutes before I start heading downstairs to the vending machine. Or I'll beg Meghan to go for me, but she doesn't get here until 8am. Wonder if I can txt her to bring food. Yah, good idea...

Yeah, Meghan loves me and is bringing me breakfast. I love her too, you awesome biatch! I will never forget the people that feed me. Like when Becky was in Wichita and cooked me corndogs. Ummm...Yum! I have to go to Sonic on my break and get some corndogs. Another good idea.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Afternoon quickie...

Works been really busy of late, we are under the gun with a lot of things so I am rarely online anymore. I just realized today as well that I have a lot of obligations this summer, especially when my friend at work gave me her save the date card for her July wedding in Tulsa. So I may be booked for the most part but I will definitely find some time to enjoy fun in the sun, learn to golf, and pay homage to mother road atleast every other weekend, even if it's just a road trip to Manhattan, KS.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Another reason why Bolt rawks!

Roswell - my favorite TV series of all times. God I wish they'd put it back on air. Until then ...

BTW, I dated a guy my freshman year at WSU based on his close resemblance to Max.

Thursday, April 13, 2006 Rawks!

My Work Has A Fun Committee

The fun committee has held several functions on-site for us, like that chili cook-off during football season. But it's never been as fun as today was. We took off in the middle of our work day to go bowling at the Alley. We were just being goofy the whole time so it was hard to go back to work for another 2 to 3 hours. Especially since Sumo's was right there and my friends and I were craving sushi. Here some pics. Enjoy!






Next Fun Committee functions (from what I hear) will be Riverfest and a company picnic at Eberly Farm, I can't wait!

Kansas City Pics:

Not a lot really just the scenic ones. Saturday was more time for shopping and relaxation. But just to show off my mad photography skills here y'all go.

Picture 047

Picture 048

Picture 050

Picture 051

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Good Morning

First off I want to apologize for being an idiot and not adjusting my alarm from 6am to 5am like it was supposed to be on. Maybe I was buying more spooning time subconsciously.

Today will be much like yesterday, but after work I will definitely get the packing and the school paperwork taken care off, as well Logan has a soccer game at 6pm so that should be fun.

I already made up my mind about the Beasle Street concert and am buying my tickets this Friday after I deposit my paycheck. I would appreciate some donations to fund the plane ticket costs, thank you.

That's about it. Currently eating peanut butter on toast flavored crackers for breakfast. It should suffice until lunch and then I will drown myself with the wing special at BWW.

P.S. I wish they served Starbucks at work. Damnit!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Which Sex and the City Character Are You?

Congratulations! You are Samantha.
Take this quiz!

Subject: -none-

  • 12:53pm
    Wishing Ching's blog was as interesting as it used to be so I had a reason to face the computer. Checked her MySpace and tried to decipher what the wallpaper said. Something about ambitions and small people.

    Note to self: Bug Ching about it after work. For now, return to pulling back ups.

  • 12:56pm
    This pen sux. Wish I could blog without attracting too much attention.

    Another note to self: Steal better pens from the supply room.

  • 1:17pm
    Ching calls and I realize it's better to put my phone on silent than vibrate. After an entire morning of silence I got a real good scare. Freakin'-a, Ching!

  • 1:24pm
    Ching tells me my direct line at work doesn't work. I check and find out that when I set my calls to forward to the line in the back-up room I programmed it wrong. Oops! Must explain why I haven't gotten any calls all day. All fixed!

  • 1:58pm
    Bitter fat bitches and brittle old rubber bands are my enemies. They serve their purpose only for awhile and then they snap.

  • 2:29pm
    Back from break and got huge headache. Must stop grinding teeth.

    Action plan for the rest of the day. Pack car, head to mom's, stop by Southwestern College to pick up paper work. Blog this note.

  • 2:58pm
    One hour of work left. I can make it. If I can drag this on and distract myself every so often I'll walk out with my sanity intact.

  • 3:11pm
    Holiday Inn, 530 Richards Dr, Manhattan, KS 66502 has an indoor pool. Google later for pictures, and see if good spot for next road trip.

  • 4:59pm
    Was too lazy to pack, too lazy to stop by Southwestern - put off for tomorrow. Currently blogging away. Later, online shopping.

  • Update:

    Currently I'm eating curly fries drenched in Arby sauce at my desk at work. I've been busy pulling back-ups for research so it's only during my lunch that I get to sit in front of the computer. It's hard to type with only 8 clean fingers, but I'll certainly try.

    Kansas City was an awesome trip. Despite getting lost, and the douches the filled Westport, I still enjoyed being out of Wichita for a change. Walking around The Plaza was relaxing, fell in love with the I-Joy massaging chair, which Ray SAYS he's going to buy. (I'm a messy eater and now have only 6 clean fingers, damnit.) Anyway, I didn't take as many pictures, but the pictures I do have I will try to post.

    Thinking of another road trip, but I was reminded that the Beasle Street Music Fest is coming up again. I tried to go last year but ended up being unable to. I'm desperate to go especially since Jason Mraz is going to be there. It's May 5-7 and ticket prices are going up ono Apr 30th so I have to make up my mind now. Getting off work is no problem, it's the trip to and from. To drive or not to drive - that is the problem. Anyway, that will probably be my next trip since I really need to concentrate on moving.

    Speaking of concentrating I need to go back to work, or looking like I'm working.

    P.S. My back hurts so much! I know I complain about my back all the time, I think I'm getting old or something. I need to work out, but I look so damn good already it's very hard to get motivated. (I had to sneak a little bit of narcism into the post incase anyone has forgotten how much I love myself.)

    Thursday, April 06, 2006

    Dear _______ ,

    *Dear Becky,

    I know I said I'd call, unfortunately I lost your number when my phone broke. You didn't miss much. Same old - same old. Try to call or txt me your number atleast.

    *Dear Tad,

    Sorry I missed your call. I crashed early last night and didn't get up until 11ish. I am a flake.

    *Dear Nate,

    I got your text - both of them. Again I crashed early and I didn't notice my phone. I'm not too blame you are as I've mentioned before quite elusive. Try again later, I hope.

    *Dear Meghan,

    I know you didn't miss me, you see me every freakin' day, but I thought I'd put you in here just to check if you pay attention.

    Tuesday, April 04, 2006

    Meghan's Special Edition Bulletin

    * I posted a bulletin on MySpace as response to Jacob's original post. I didn't realize that if I posted something that requested a reply post, because I rarely do this, that atleast 10 people would respond IMMEDIATELY (because we all have nothing else better to do) and I would be required to respond to them. I stared at the monitor dumbfounded by this recent finding and decided I would not fill out the bulletin again - no one would notice. Meghan did! Little brat. So instead of continuing this hellish cycle I decided I'd post here instead. I'll place her post, then my reply - happy?

    From Meghan:

    1.Your Full Name: --->Meghan Leah Guerrie
    2. Age: --->19
    3. Single or Taken: --->Single
    4. Favorite Movie: --->Top Gun
    5. Favorite Song: --->I write sins not tragedys -Panic at the disco
    6. Favorite Band: --->Fly Leaf
    7. Kinky or Clean: --->hmmm.... both lol
    8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: --->both definantly both

    HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ...

    1. Do we know each other outside of myspace? --->Of course

    2. What song reminds you of me? --->Geek In Pink

    3. Would you have my back in a fight? --->Heck yes Biotch

    4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest?
    --->Nope, honesty is the best policy

    5. What is your favorite memory of us? --->Anytime at work, when we were laughing, and not really doing what we were supposed to, all good times!!

    6. What is your favorite sexual activity? --->As long as it's sex it's my favorite activity( I have to say ditto!)

    7. Would you give me a kidney? --->Ahhh if you REALLY REALLY REALLY needed it and no one else could give it to you then yes

    8. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you? --->I am odd and interesting.

    9. Would you take care of me when I am sick? --->for sure I would

    10. Do you want to tell me something that you couldn't before? --->Nope

    11. have you heard any rumors of me lately? --->Oh yea you should hear whats flyin around the office, JK!!

    12. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? --->only to your face, lol jk

    13. Do you think I'm a good person? --->Yes I do

    14. Would you drive across country with me? --->right?Heck yes that would be fun

    15. Do you think I'm attractive? --->gorgeous

    16. Are there ever times when you want to call me but don't? --->Not really

    17. Have you ever slept with someone famous? --->ha ha nope not that I know of lol

    18. If you could change anything about me, would you? what would it be?---> Give you more confidence in you relationship to do what you want to do(you know what i mean)

    19. What is the best advice you can give me? --->Do it!!! lol

    20.Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? --->If I knew where you lived

    21. Will you repost this so I can reply to you? --->i am right now

    From me:

    1.Your Full Name: --->Jennifer Malayo Saavedra Alonso
    2. Age: --->25
    3. Single or Taken: --->Taken
    4. Favorite Movie: --->Labyrinth
    5. Favorite Song: --->Geek in Pink
    6. Favorite Band: --->Jason Mraz
    7. Kinky or Clean: --->Kinky Clean
    8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: --->both

    HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ...

    1. Do we know each other outside of myspace? --->I pretend not to

    2. What song reminds you of me? --->No song...I'm never reminded of you

    3. Would you have my back in a fight? --->You better not start any fights!

    4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? --->Yet again, can't keep secrets.

    5. What is your favorite memory of us? --->Who are you again?

    6. What is your favorite sexual activity? --->As long as it's sex it's my favorite activity - don't ditto me again I will beat you!

    7. Would you give me a kidney? --->I'll give you someone else's kidney, but I'd murder them for you.

    8. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you? --->I am oddly interesting

    9. Would you take care of me when I am sick? --->sure, I'd pat your back and hold your hair back while you puke

    10. Do you want to tell me something that you couldn't before? --->I'm pregnat with your baby!

    11. have you heard any rumors of me lately? --->Plenty

    12. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? --->There so many opportunities it's not even fun anymore

    13. Do you think I'm a good person? --->I don't know, based on the stories you've given me not really.

    14. Would you drive across country with me? --->To Colorado and back only

    15. Do you think I'm attractive? --->You are the goddess of my life!

    16. Are there ever times when you want to call me but don't? --->No

    17. Have you ever slept with someone famous? --->Not yet

    18. If you could change anything about me, would you? what would it be?---> Give you more confidence to tell people off at work, ar atleast stop worrying about them

    19. What is the best advice you can give me? --->Screw it!

    20.Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? --->Sure.

    21. Will you repost this so I can reply to you? --->Special Edition

    Monday, April 03, 2006

    Leave The Pieces by The Wreckers

    You're not sure that you love me
    But you're not sure enough to let me go
    Baby it ain't fair
    You know you just keep me hanging round
    You say you don't wanna hurt me
    Don't wanna see my tears
    So why are you still standing here
    Just watching me drown

    And it's alright
    Yeah, I'll be fine
    Don't worry about this heart of mine
    Just, take your love and hit the road
    Cause nothing you can do or say
    You're gonna break my heart anyway
    So just leave the pieces when you go
    Now you can drag out the heartache
    Baby you can make it quick
    You can get it over with and let me move on
    Don't concern yourself with this mess you left for me
    I can clean it up you see
    Just as long as you're gone


    You're not making up your mind
    It's killin' me
    You're wasting time
    I need so much more then that


    Leave the pieces when you go
    Leave the pieces when you go
    Leave the pieces when you go

    Saturday, April 01, 2006

    Happy All Fools Day!

    Last night should have probably given me a clue of how today would turn out. Went to Philippine Grille for dinner, made plans for Saturday: rosary, movies, and drinking. Headed downtown and after a lot of hemming and hawing found myself at Barleycorn's. It's a much different scene than when I was last there. It was a room full of Hot Topic rejects, no offense, (I think that's what they were aiming for so it should actually be a compliment. ) The band that was playing was f-ing with the crowd, I'm convinced they have no lyrics and just scream and head bang a lot. By the way, all the songs sounded like each other, and their last song had the longest instrumental. I was physically ill, I'm sure not because the place was wrong, I was wrong, I didn't need to be there. A really awkward moment came when I had to interact with one of their locals. Left alone while Carissa took a bathroom break this semi-decent, not-at-all-intimidating kid came up and asked how I was doing. He probably thought I was damaged because of the perma-look of confusion and fear I had on. The convo went:

    Him: How are you doing?
    Me:(Barely audible)Fine (Look at Carissa already laughing her ass off at me.)
    Him: Cheers! (Raises bottle of beer to me.)
    Me: Okay (Clinks bottle against glass of amaretto sour.)
    Him: Damn rednecks in the middle!
    Me: (Looking around)Which middle?
    Him: (Tries to chuckle.) It's something you drink to.
    Me:Oh (Watching Carissa still laughing at me.)
    Him: I guess I'll go dissappear now.
    Me:Thank you.

    Seriously I didn't mean to say thank you, he wasn't bothering me that much, I was just completely out of place and didn't know what else to say.

    Crazy! And speaking off, my precious much loved A630 is broken. I know I haven't broken a phone since the Verizon era standing in line at the Brickyard, but atleast I have insurance. I still have to file a claim and wait for shipping so in the meantime I have Dad's Samsung D415 which was originally inherited from Ching, I'm about to search my apartment for an extra SIM card to activate so I can still have phone usage. Unfortunately my old SIM is also "broken."

    The worst part is having to drive to Derby to use Mom's house phone to suspend the line, finding out there's an extra phone and I need a SIM and having to drive back to Wichita, just so I can drive back to Derby to use the phone again to activate the SIM. Good times.

    Maybe I can log all this expenses due to phone loss and see if someone will compensate me for the hassle.

    Alright - gas for back and forth travel $10
    deductible for insurance claim $100/$110
    expedited shipping $20
    the possibility that this happened for a reason - priceless

    There's somethings money can't buy, but for immediate gratification ... I'll take VISA.