
Monday, January 09, 2006

Blessings in disguise...

I'd say about 5 hours ago this blog would have been a lot more different. I meant to delete a lot of things and put some things up for sale. I'm still selling some things off - tennis bracelet, pearl necklace with bracelet and earings, a gold ring with interchangeable jade inserts, and some living room furniture. I'll post pics soon as I get the chance, just cleaning out so if anyone is interested feel free to email me.

Anyway, putting things in perspective I guess I don't really feel bad. I don't feel like I lost anything. I don't feel like I've been wronged. My sister and brother-in-law took me out to dinner at PF Chang's, according to my sister she would have to pretend that I was really devastated so we would have a reason to eat out. She took a pic of me and I'm sure there's an interesting blog about it on her site. Right now she's feeding her "rodents" and soon she will use me as guinea pig for something she's doing for work. If it were up to me I'd be taking advantage of two for ones at Mort's but honestly I know who I'd want to see right now and I'm sure they're not there. I'm through wasting my time on pointless endeavors. I've made a goal and since I didn't make any New Year's resolutions this will have to do. I will be settled and married by next year hopefully with someone I really care about and vice versa. Hopefully soon I will have that perfect relationship I can blog about and we'll throw a cyber party.

Besides, I'm the strong one people run to for comfort, did anyone really expect me to curl up and quit? And if all else fails plan b is to get back on medication. There's always a silver lining. Ciao!

No medications pls. that's for the weak and stupid . Good job for seeing through clearly! As for the new year's resolution good idea just don't pick them up at bars :)
Is the tennis bracelet for sale the one that Ray gave you? So is it done again?
medication and lots of it please
A lot of f-ing anonymous people. Fratastic. Glad to see people still read this though I updated so rarely.
so tell me, really whats it all about? huh? cmon purty pleeze!
your persistent. we'll see how far you take this. keep going.
is it about a pregnancy?
ohmigawd...please let's not start the rumor.
so is it a sickness?
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