
Saturday, October 01, 2005

I'm Dying...

It started during my three day weekend, feeling a bit under the weather y'know but trying not to concentrate too much on it, a slight belief that it's partly psychological. I wake up Thursday morning with a headache making me feel naseous. I chalk it up to the fact that I had cried myself to sleep (yeah, whatever) and my eyes were fatigued. I took it easy all day, ate a lot to prevent a sugar attack from making my day even worse, and took naps throughout the day.

Friday was an easy one at work, I felt hungry all day, but I'm always hungry. I've somehow conditioned myself to expect food every 3 - 4 hours, with a lot of snacking in between. I was feeling sleepy at work but I used getting up early that day so I could get to the bank, (I forgot my ATM pin number,) and run errands before work as my excuse. After work I went to Japan Express and got some Suki Yaki Beef for dinner and got to bed around 8:45PM. It was only supposed to be a short nap so I could feel a bit rested before going out, but it turned out I was more tired than expected. I woke up around 10:30ish and went back to sleep still tired. At around 12:30AM the rain wakes me up. Great, now I'll be up until 8AM and I'll be really tired for work. I text Eli and meet him and Ben at the Anchor. Of course I had to stop to get gas so I only show up long enough for a drink before last call. On the way home I felt my throats getting all itchy, so in my head I started an entire debate of "can I buy cough drops now and prevent getting a cough/cold or do I have to get sick first before I can get over it?"

This morning I woke up all achey, and limbs tingly as if I had slept wrong and cut the blood circulation to my limbs all night. My head was hurting on the left side and my left eye was also affected. I suspected a migraine until I opened my eyes and I was not at all sensitive to the light. I got up and was immediately hungry and nauseuos at the same time. I figured it was a sugar attack and called Mom. (She feeds me and takes care of me.)Usually if I catch it in time I prevent the tunnel vision effect which really bites, and sometimes passing out.

Now after eating and still being achey and having the left side of my head hurt I start to think there's something more wrong. I ate a lot yesterday so I don't know why I would have a sugar attack today. Plus the fact that my throat hurts when I swallow and my left ear feels infected. I'm not a doctor and I don't feel like researching anything right now but I feel like crap and I think I'm going to die.

dont you ever say i wont remember shit. ill be back on here when i wake up just to post another something to have you know i remember shit. ughhhh.b
and a couple hours later im awake. shit talker
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