Wednesday, October 12, 2005
I Am An Empty Shell

My bored ass took this picture last week at the doctor's office. I was ordered to get blood drawn for some tests but I put if off for this Wednesday. Lo and behold I got sick again yesterday. Mom picked me up this time, Ray is in the UK already. I threw up when we got to Derby, I don't think I was that sick so I blame it on Mom's stop and go driving.
I laid down immediately waiting for Mom to cook something. Got up ate and settled in on their couch. Woke up around 12:30am to my cell vibrating and felt better instantly. My bunny on the phone always cheers me up. I never realized how much I depended on him before. You know, he knows my needs. He was the one that reminded me to eat and sometimes forced me to eat. He always drove by when I didn't feel good and took care of me. I'm such a baby, but he puts up with it.
Tonight he said he had a bad dream about me. Before he use to wake me up in the middle of the night to tell me he had a bad dream about me and I had to comfort him back to sleep with "No, I haven't talked to so-and-so." or "But I would never do that, sweetie." and always with "I love you forever" complete with cuddles. I wish I could have done that tonight. It's only for the next two weeks but barely ever being apart for almost two years it's a hard transition. I just remembered after the first two weeks of us dating he took off for a week to Arizona for a friend's wedding and my complaint then was that we had not been together enough for me to have to go without him already. I guess whichever way you cut it I just don't like us being apart.
Oh, so after talking to Ray on the phone I decided to go up to the kitchen and eat some more. As usual, my geeky self vegged in front of the puter for entertainment. Checking out Chingay's blog I saw a scary view on their webcam so I had to take a pull incase there's no logical reason for it, like a mask accidentally placed on the desk, and I can warn them before they disapper without a trace.

Creepy. Usually the webcam shows Brian's desk. I hope this is a prank, everybody knows I'm scared of the dark.
So my plan while Ray is away is to deep clean my apartment, get some reading done, get his website up and running, and as a side note, get me properly groomed (hair, nails, facials and such) before he gets home so I can be semi-pretty by the time he gets back. I learned from my parents: Daddy is always happier when Mom takes care of herself and makes herself prettier, makes ordinary days seem special I think.
Ugh, I'm hungry again. Sometimes, I wish I would turn diabetic so atleast I can take insulin and feel better. But then what if diabetics don't just feel better instantly after the shot, what if it's worse? And Tito Alan told me awhile back that if I turned diabetic he would have to cut off my leg, that would suck.
Whatever, I'm going to eat and try to sleep some more. I'm planning on asking Mom to drive me back to Wichita early. I'm going to get my blood drawn, start cleaning my apartment and maybe do some grocery shopping.
Feel free to call me if you already know my number. I'll probably cry over the phone, I've been crying a lot from missing Ray, but realize it's not personal and I'm still capable of cracking good jokes, just need good distractions is all.
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That image on the webcam comes from I think it's a logitech slide that goes over the lens. It shows up weird when the cover is closed, I've seen it alot on a video chat program I always use. Alot of people use that brand of cam and it just looks like scarey faces when their covers are closed heh.
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