Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Originally uploaded by _crankymonkey.
I'm back online! w00t! w00t!
So, let me tell you what happened - as best as I can remember: Ray and I had a fight, like we always do, way back in May (which means several fights back.) Seeing how attached I am to my blog he decides the best way to push my button is to unplug me.
Remember back to the first post when I mentioned that Ray had bought me the domain name. Well, he's owned it all that while and I just pay for the hosting and linked the name to my IP. So, Ray decides he's going to "sell" the name and completely erases the settings. He calls me, of course, to tell me what he's done. Something or rather was said and he says he can put it back where it was.
Meanwhile, I'm getting calls, emails and such "What happened to the site?" And I tell y'all, it's cool it will be back up. I see Ray and he says it takes 24 - 48 hrs. So I wait. Nothing. I call Go Daddy he says everything is set fine. I wait some more, nothing. I wait so much Ray and I fight again, nothing about waiting but something else. (Really to this point we are still trying to figure out which fight happened when and what it's for, laugh if you must.) So, I give up on it. Whatever, he'll let it go and I'll buy it then or I'll just buy a different one altogether.
You know how this story goes, we made up. So, I thought I'd give it another try, this time Ray transferred the registration to my account. I am now the rightful owner of CrankyMonkey.com. He has justified it by verifying that if we ever permanently split he will always have my URL. Awwww! Sweet stalker baby!
So, I call GoDaddy verify the transfer was completed and the rep advises me that the name had been set to the incorrect IP address this whole time. This time the wait was not for nought, I'm back.