Friday, May 06, 2005
If Only I Could Upload More...

Originally uploaded by _crankymonkey.
Maybe I'd be inspired to blog regularly if someone gave me their pro flickr account, regardless I'll make do. Punks!
BTW, I added a new friend's link. The live journal owned by Nexus aka Robert, whom I also know as monkey boy. I don't really know him except for a faint memory of him jumping on Eli during a get together. He was trying to act like, (I figured,) an attacking monkey boy. Before it ended Eli sat up asking, "did you just bite me?" It was hilarious. He's been monkey boy to me ever since.
There's a lot of fond memories of interesting characters that I've encountered in my life. I intend on searching through myspace to find them all.
Though I doubt Crazy Vicki has a site, or that she is still alive even. Crazy Vicki was an old lady from the province in the Philippines. She always wore her blue eyeshadow and red blush a little on the heavy side and had a habit of climbing up roofs, anyone's roof, anytime a plane or helicopter hovered. Story has it she was in love with an American soldier who was sent home after the war and promised to come back for her. She went crazy because of love and too much make up. She's my hero.
I digress, I added another link and will soon be adding more as I find more interesting characters online. Even send me a link if you know someone.