
Friday, February 11, 2005

In My Defense...

I'm all about the concept of love. It's happens so rarely to me that I cherish the moments when I am under its influence. I think because of how I carry myself I have mislead many into thinking that I don't have a romantic soul. Quite the contrary, I have ended many relationships in pursuit for the real deal. Some say you can't have the fairy tale story, I believe I can.

Growing up my parents were very open about their relationship from beginning to end. It was not all out conventional, but it wasn't a Springer episode either. I have made my parents relationship the ideal. How can I not? 25 years together my mom can still manipulate my dad to take her side regardless how absurd she is being, and mom has not stopped comparing dad to every guy ever conceived and proclaiming him the best catch of all. I want that for me. And I want to be able to talk about my relationship without omitting "the bad parts" because there should be none. And I don't want to celebrate a yearly anniversary knowing that minus all the days I was semi-broken up with my significant other it's really about 8 months. I don't want to give my heart to someone just so maybe they'll include me as top ten in their to-do list. That's not me, it's not my style. I guess I can honestly say I'd rather be alone than compromise my ideal.

I was placed in a similar situation years ago, having to choose between compromising my "once-upon-a-time" to finally settle down, or leave knowing that I may have lost it all for something I can never find. Obviously everybody knows which road I took and I'm willing and have taken the same road again. It's rare for me to stand up for anything, but what idiot wouldn't stand up for TRUE TRUE love, wherever it may be. I know I'll be facing some alone time but no fear, I've been alone plenty in the past and I manage to be just fine.

You'll have to give me more info. Like when you say you "talk" to her is it face to face, or over the phone mostly? And what is it about her that you can't figure out?
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