Monday, January 10, 2005
Surphace, You Rock My World!

Originally uploaded by _crankymonkey.
I chanced by Charlie and his band many moons ago. I remember seeing him before he took the stage at the outside patio in Biggins, I turned to my friend and asked if they knew there was a minor in the bar. I was promptly educated on who the band was, my friend ended up being an enthusiastic fan. That night I listened more than watched confident that he (Charlie) had the get up and the 'tude but cynical that such a young'un would have anything substantial to sing about. I've been impressed ever since.
Most that know me can vouch I don't take my listening selection lightly. I have an eclectic taste, from Blue Grass to Metal, but there's one thing that stays consistent, the music has to move me. Make me sad, make me angry, make me melt, make me motivated, make me sleep even, anything ... Don't just read my words and think you know what I mean, hear Surphace music from htp:// . Let me know if I'm wrong, it's been known to happen. (Believe it or not.)
Anyway, this is not pointless ranting. I was on the phone with Charlie earlier tonight and discussed the band, the gigs, the website, and KC. (What?! Every conversation includes KC now!) I've got a point to prove. Surphace has a message board in their site: Listen to their tracks on the other site and if you like it let Charlie know. And if you really like it let me know and I'll see about getting their CD for you.