Saturday, December 04, 2004
I Almost Want To Cry

Carissa and I went to the mall yesterday and I spotted this Interchangeable Jade Ring at Dillards. To which the sales lady had advised me it was the only one they had left. Which is believeable considering that when I tried it on it fit. I have very small fingers which would figure why no one has been able to fit in them or buy them.
$149.99 was the price the lady gave me, and at the time I thought I was just being frugal by not buying it but easily realized I was being smart. I had overspent yesterday. I spent an entire week not buying anything to save money and in one day I spent on a new coat, a manicure and pedicure, lunch, dinner, and drinks. Now I'm broke, and instead of all those worthless things I could've bought that ring.
To top it off I find one store online has it for $99, and another for $39.99. I am hitting myself over the head for this one.