Monday, February 27, 2006
Old Song...
*This was a song I used to like way back when. It started popping back in my head while doing some accounting for invoices from a hotel in Hazard, KY. I had to look it up.
Richard Marx
"My mother came to Hazard when I was just seven
Even then the folks in town said with prejudiced eyes...
That boy's not right...
Three years ago when I came to know Mary
First time that someone looked beyond the rumors and the lies
And saw the man inside...
We used to walk down by the river
She loved to watch the sun go down
We used to walk along the river
And dream our way out of this town...
No one understood what I felt for Mary
No one cared until the night she went out walking alone
And never came home ...
Man with a badge came knocking next morning
Here was I surrounded by a thousand fingers suddenly
Pointed right at me...
I swear I left her by the river
I swear I left her safe and sound
I need to make it to the river
And leave this old Nebraska town
I swear I left her by the river
I swear I left her safe and sound
I need to make it to the river
And leave this old Nebraska town ...
From the album Rush Street
Richard Marx
"My mother came to Hazard when I was just seven
Even then the folks in town said with prejudiced eyes...
That boy's not right...
Three years ago when I came to know Mary
First time that someone looked beyond the rumors and the lies
And saw the man inside...
We used to walk down by the river
She loved to watch the sun go down
We used to walk along the river
And dream our way out of this town...
No one understood what I felt for Mary
No one cared until the night she went out walking alone
And never came home ...
Man with a badge came knocking next morning
Here was I surrounded by a thousand fingers suddenly
Pointed right at me...
I swear I left her by the river
I swear I left her safe and sound
I need to make it to the river
And leave this old Nebraska town
I swear I left her by the river
I swear I left her safe and sound
I need to make it to the river
And leave this old Nebraska town ...
From the album Rush Street
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Love and Kisses...
(Yes, Becky - love and kisses for you.)
I get to update just now and then and for awhile no new pics. Seems the only pics I have of myself lately are a tad in appropriate and are for Ray's eyes only. He's been in England so long I feel like I'm dating military. Thank God he's not though, I'm not sure if they would accomodate the leisurely lifestyle he's so accustomed to.
Yes, same old excuse - busy. I did manage to have an eventful weekend though. Woohoo! I made myself a budget for the weekend and went over it. My new purchases includes a black leather briefcase bag, a matching wallet, belt, and a keychain that came free with one of those. Styling. Yeah, the briefcase bag is just to look more professional, the secret is that inside I have: my Victoria Secret Heavenly lotion (courtesy of Becky), a pack of Marlboro reds, my Sony Clie, my journal, a pad of paper, and most days my packed lunch. No real work, though it has been easier to check my mail and be able to dump it in the bag so I'm only carrying one thing up the apartment. I'm so grown up now, (on the outside.) I did go out Saturday and this time stayed until last call. First time in a while. I did have fun though that may have been the difference, or maybe it was the shots of Tequila Rose, whichever. Still got up early the next day, picked Mom up and toured the Women's Fair at Century 2. It was a lot more fun than expected, definitely a must do for next year and this time I'm bringing cash, and wearing comfortable shoes.
Just a quick stop in to let everyone know what is up. I may have less time soon: Ray will be back in the country for two weeks and I believe we will be spending most of the time ironing out issues or finding a permanent resolution, or just pretending nothing's wrong, whichever. As well, mid-March I will be taking a couple 8 week courses just to get myself back in the groove of homework and study sessions, as before mentioned I'm planning to be full time starting this summer. Finally, I'm starting to pack already for the anticipated move, the deadline will be end of April but you know what they say, "slow and steady wins the race." I think that's what they say.
I get to update just now and then and for awhile no new pics. Seems the only pics I have of myself lately are a tad in appropriate and are for Ray's eyes only. He's been in England so long I feel like I'm dating military. Thank God he's not though, I'm not sure if they would accomodate the leisurely lifestyle he's so accustomed to.
Yes, same old excuse - busy. I did manage to have an eventful weekend though. Woohoo! I made myself a budget for the weekend and went over it. My new purchases includes a black leather briefcase bag, a matching wallet, belt, and a keychain that came free with one of those. Styling. Yeah, the briefcase bag is just to look more professional, the secret is that inside I have: my Victoria Secret Heavenly lotion (courtesy of Becky), a pack of Marlboro reds, my Sony Clie, my journal, a pad of paper, and most days my packed lunch. No real work, though it has been easier to check my mail and be able to dump it in the bag so I'm only carrying one thing up the apartment. I'm so grown up now, (on the outside.) I did go out Saturday and this time stayed until last call. First time in a while. I did have fun though that may have been the difference, or maybe it was the shots of Tequila Rose, whichever. Still got up early the next day, picked Mom up and toured the Women's Fair at Century 2. It was a lot more fun than expected, definitely a must do for next year and this time I'm bringing cash, and wearing comfortable shoes.
Just a quick stop in to let everyone know what is up. I may have less time soon: Ray will be back in the country for two weeks and I believe we will be spending most of the time ironing out issues or finding a permanent resolution, or just pretending nothing's wrong, whichever. As well, mid-March I will be taking a couple 8 week courses just to get myself back in the groove of homework and study sessions, as before mentioned I'm planning to be full time starting this summer. Finally, I'm starting to pack already for the anticipated move, the deadline will be end of April but you know what they say, "slow and steady wins the race." I think that's what they say.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Simultaneous blog for both sites...
I am sooo busy. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I work 9 hours a day, by choice, because I really love my job. By the time I get home I usually stare at my mess of an apartment and try to motivate myself to clean. I make dinner at home more often that eating out now, though occasionally, like tonight, I find myself at Ching and Brian's and they feed me. I've been utilizing my weekends for paperwork stuff. I recently opened my first savings account in years - the last savings account I had Mom started with $200 only to have me withdraw every penny a month later. I also just completed filing for my tax return which is a little less than usual but as Ray points out is better than having to pay them which is what he's going to have to do.
I'm enjoying a lot of peace and quiet and getting real used to it. Usually ready for bed around 8pm but not really falling asleep until 10pm. Getting old, I think.
Lots of plans, especially of going back to school. Hopefully I can go full time but taking one or two classes will be enough just to keep my mind stimulated. I plan on starting this summer session.
Oh, and since it's been awhile since we had a poem break here's a recent one I hope will be enjoyed ... from yours truly:
The more I love the more it hurts
Guess that's how it's meant to be
Seems like some unspoken rule
That only applies to me
The more I care the more they don't
The more empty I'm left inside
And seems like I always lose
Only after having tried
The more it burns the more I cry
But no one really cares
And if it's just this unspoken rule
Guess it doesn't have to be fair
It's my poem and it's there - no discussions please. Thanks. So, hopefully again soon I can have another recap, and maybe even pictures. Love and kisses!
I'm enjoying a lot of peace and quiet and getting real used to it. Usually ready for bed around 8pm but not really falling asleep until 10pm. Getting old, I think.
Lots of plans, especially of going back to school. Hopefully I can go full time but taking one or two classes will be enough just to keep my mind stimulated. I plan on starting this summer session.
Oh, and since it's been awhile since we had a poem break here's a recent one I hope will be enjoyed ... from yours truly:
Guess that's how it's meant to be
Seems like some unspoken rule
That only applies to me
The more I care the more they don't
The more empty I'm left inside
And seems like I always lose
Only after having tried
The more it burns the more I cry
But no one really cares
And if it's just this unspoken rule
Guess it doesn't have to be fair
It's my poem and it's there - no discussions please. Thanks. So, hopefully again soon I can have another recap, and maybe even pictures. Love and kisses!
Monday, February 06, 2006
Bulova Watch
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Another catch up -
Another long lag in between blogs. Like I mentioned my new job has been challenging and rewarding so I don't mind letting it take up most of my time. About 3 weeks ago I was moved upstairs to work with a team handling regular accounts. When I say regular I mean the actual corporate accounts instead of disaster services. They moved me in a "pod" of a dynamic set of people. I really appreciate the challenges I have at work because it makes me feel useful and that my performance in any given day does affect the over all success of my team. It was a very slow start which gave me a false sense of confidence. The first week there I was basically helping do catch up work since there was an upcoming meeting with clients they had to go to. Helping out is not really hard because there's no real expectations on you. The week of the meeting 3 of "them" left to meet the clients out of town, they started me out answering regular calls. My first week there and I have no clue who has which account and when things get invoiced. Oh, I do accounting for the group. To top it off, I replaced another Jennifer, so everytime I answer the phone I have angry hotel managers that always start the convo with "I spoke with you about this a couple weeks ago." Um no you didn't but maybe we can get confused together. How can I help you? I got the hang of it soon enough and immediately following they asked to create an audit spreadsheet. Who's doing the audit? Me. So, it was a lot of asking hotels for back ups that they may or may not have kept and letting them know that I might take money back if I don't get the right stuff. Of course I try to say it nicer than that but I don't think you can ever be nice enough telling someone you're taking their money. I got the hang of that too and got 3 months worth of audit done within the last two weeks, all along making sure I'm there to answer the calls that come in, they rotate between everyone's phones in the "pod", and of course enter the regular invoices that come in to bill to the clients. With all the excitement I've been working 9 hour days which I honestly enjoy, and take my smoke breaks only when necessary.
To add to it all, the sales department took my "pod" out for lunch at Abuelo's last Thursday. It was awesome. I don't really like Mexican so I had the Maple Glazed Salmon. I wish I could have taken a picture. I did take a pictures of the "pod." My desk is the other corner that you can't see between the two pics.

BTW, Ray emailed me a really sweet poem this morning. I have to ask if I'm allowed to put it up. Usually when he does something cheesy unexpectedly it's a "for your eyes only" kind of deal.
Anyway, just a quick stop in. Got lots of things to do. Lots of stuff I already did today: Started a savings account with Bank of America trying to take advantage of their Keep The Change promotion, filed my Federal and State Tax returns, applied for school and financial aid, doing laundry in the meantime, got forms to apply for a passport just in case, (Ray's been having breakdowns in the UK where he just starts snapping "fly here now,") and of course with enough time to enjoy lunch at PF Chang's with Mom and chill in front of the 'puters with my son - actually we tried to take a nap in front of the TV but he was being a tad bit restless. I'll be in the shower soon to get ready to go to one of Mom's friend's daughter's party, and hopefully have a relaxing drink out tonight. Tomorrow I'll need to grocery shop since I need more yogurt anyway, and iron my dress pants and shirts for the upcoming work week. Hope this blog was detailed enough to last me until next month again = )
To add to it all, the sales department took my "pod" out for lunch at Abuelo's last Thursday. It was awesome. I don't really like Mexican so I had the Maple Glazed Salmon. I wish I could have taken a picture. I did take a pictures of the "pod." My desk is the other corner that you can't see between the two pics.

BTW, Ray emailed me a really sweet poem this morning. I have to ask if I'm allowed to put it up. Usually when he does something cheesy unexpectedly it's a "for your eyes only" kind of deal.
Anyway, just a quick stop in. Got lots of things to do. Lots of stuff I already did today: Started a savings account with Bank of America trying to take advantage of their Keep The Change promotion, filed my Federal and State Tax returns, applied for school and financial aid, doing laundry in the meantime, got forms to apply for a passport just in case, (Ray's been having breakdowns in the UK where he just starts snapping "fly here now,") and of course with enough time to enjoy lunch at PF Chang's with Mom and chill in front of the 'puters with my son - actually we tried to take a nap in front of the TV but he was being a tad bit restless. I'll be in the shower soon to get ready to go to one of Mom's friend's daughter's party, and hopefully have a relaxing drink out tonight. Tomorrow I'll need to grocery shop since I need more yogurt anyway, and iron my dress pants and shirts for the upcoming work week. Hope this blog was detailed enough to last me until next month again = )